Ask Merlin's Decision Analysis

Have you ever had to make up your mind?

Sometimes you don't need a complex spreadsheet, you just need a little help organizing your thoughts to help you make up your mind. This webapp was made for my iPhone but should work on any cell phone or PDA with a browser and internet connection. The other scripts illustrate how the webapp can be used to quickly analyze several different kinds of choices you must make on a daily basis. ...formatted for cell phones but can be used on any machine...

Decision Analysis for Cell Phones and mobile devices

a few little examples of specific problems to be decided, to illustrate how the webapp can be used

Election Decider
For whom should you vote, and why?

Basketball Expert System
Who will win the game?

Football Expert System
Who will win the football game??

Choose Your Programming Language
Which Programming Language is right for you? Java, Visual Basic, C#, JavaScript, PHP, Lisp/Scheme, C/C++, Perl, Python, or Ruby?

Scripting Language Decider
which scripting language should you choose, Javascript, Perl, Ruby, or Python?

Choose Your GUI Toolkit for Python
( Updated September 19, 2004 adding PyGUI. ) Tkinter, EasyGui, wxPython, PythonCard, pyQt, pyGtk, Anygui, Jython (Swing & AWT), fxPy, pyFLTK, PyGUI; which is right for you now?

General Decision Analysis online decision support tool
Formatted for big screens

Click here to send email to Ron Stephens at

Source Code for Decision Analysis for Cell Phones
two cgi files, webdecide.cgi and deciderata.cgi

Command Line Version of the Decision Analysis Scripts

Pythoncard Version of the Decision Analysis Scripts