Ask Merlin, your online Oracle

brought to you by the Python Learning Foundation
Ask Merlin any question by typing in the appropriate box. The more specific and detailed your question is, the better quality answer you can expect from Merlin. Then, enter the options from which you want Merlin to choose the answer to your question.

This is a much simplified version of the command line Python program, askMerlin; a much more sophisticated online CGI version is being prepared.

Meanwhile, enjoy Merlin's distilled wisdom in its pure form by asking him your most important questions.

Enter your question

Enter your options for Merlin to choose from, separated by commas

I apologize for the meager user interface at present. Just type in your question, of any length, and don't worry if the question is too long to show all at once in the entry box provided. Then enter your choices (options) separated by a single comma between each option. Options can be single words or phrases of multple words. Again, please don't worry if your options are too many to show all at once in the entry box provided.

After Merlin provides his answer, you can just hit the "back" button on your browser to return and ask another question. If for any reason Merlin gives an error message, please try again.

Merlin's answers are based on an algorithm I have developed over the last 4 years that involves searching the web to collect information about the questions and choices you provide, and analyzing that information statistically. Merlin distills the information on the web into a wise choice. He will answer any question to the best of his ability, but of course he will be most effective in dealing with subjects about which information is available on the web.

Ask Merlin, source code for command line version, requires pyGoogle and a valid Google API license number

alternatively, here is the source code for a simpler version that does not require pyGoogle nor a Google API license, Ask Merlin, stand alone version

Feedback and comments are appreciated and can be emailed to me at Email