Special Edition Using JavaScript

Special Edition Using JavaScript, by Paul McFedries, Que, 2001, 896 pages

This book is a great way to learn JavaScript; it is by far the best JavaScript book I have read.

The book is perfect for someone who is entirely new to JavaScript, but has at least a little programming experience in some other language. Using the book, such a person will learn JavaScript in one reading with minimal effort.

Even for a complete newbie to programming, I believe they can learn JavaScript by using this book, but it will require careful reading and study, including re-reading some sections to get the full meaning of the text.

For very experienced programmers, this book will be snap and they can learn JavaScript in a three hour skimming of the book.

Despite its good explanation of introductory JavaScript, the book addresses D in a lot of detail covering 154 pages.

The book also has a relatively brief appendix covering regular expressions. This coverage is so good that a brief reading of it helped me to better understand not only JavaScript regular expressions, but regular expressions in general.

I found reading this book, given my previous knowledge of Python, to be very easy reading and quite fast. I think I learned all I need to know about JavaScript, for now, agreeably and painlessly.

I highly recommend this book.